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2016 Deep Winter Farewell

January 30, 2015 10:00am

“Rise, land, from slumbering, grass from sleeping!
Let stem grow stems, and stalks grow stalks. Send up shoots by the thousand, spread sprouts by the hundred as a result of my plowing, my sowing, especially of my toil.”

Deep-winter may not be the 10-foot snow drifts or hard times of ancient days, but who can say that their heart is not lightened even just a little by the strengthening sun. Too soon for our locale to think of planting, but planning yes!

Reflect on the year past and the dark winter and wave good bye to those worries and woes, celebrate a fresh new spring to come, make plans, feast, and make merry that once again we come out of the darkness and grow stronger as a community.

This event will have games and crafts inside (perhaps time to finish that crosstitch you started in the fall hey), outside we will have archery and combat event weather providing.

1) Nothing beats the smell of fresh bread – Use the last of that harvest grain to make your best bread, cake, or dumpling – give A&S a try, judges are standing by drooling for something delicious to eat.

2) Shiver me quivers – There will be an archery challenge that only the fiercest (or most stubborn) archers will prevail.

3) Snow Stomp – if you are a combatant can you please let us know what style you would like to participate in during this event so we can schedule your challenges while there is still daylight 🙂

4) Festival of Wealth – have some medieval trinkets, Arch Duke’s coins, gold, or gems there will be a games tournament where the entry fee is something to be entered as a prize item. Please bring any medieval games you might have that can be played indoors.

5) Imperial Challenges for Archery & Combat ($5 Entry fee for each)

LOOK HERE! – Food will be a little different this time as there will be no formal feast – we will feast all day! Please bring snacks and finger foods to share, and a few coins to toss in the well of wishes (donations to help pay for a few extra snacks that will be coming.

Court will be held at 10 Bells – but anyone who comes early can help set up archery and get some practice in, or help set up the hall and earn themselves some wealth to gamble with.

The schedule will be flexible for the rest of the day to accommodate all the challenges.

Everyone is encouraged to bring a guest and show them the hospitality and kinship of Var-Heim.